We, unions of teachers of the Republic of Mauritius, like you, teachers in Palestine, unite those in the profession whose work it is to transmit knowledge, develop understanding, and nurture intellectual curiosity amongst our students, so this means that, when we read of the killing of 497 teachers and 8941 pupils and when we see the images of destruction of schools, universities, libraries, museums, and watch how your families are forced to move around Gaza, even as you face intentionally imposed famine, we have come together to say:
We stand by you.
Signed by:
Name of Trade Union and Name of Signatories
1. Special Education Needs School and Other Education Employees Union (SENSOEEU), signed byNoorjahan Chuttoo
2. Union of Private Secondary Education Employees (UPSEE), signed by Dan Jahajeed
3. University of Technology Mauritius Employees Union (UTM EU), signed by its whole executive committee; B. Seewoosagur, N. Echazar, G.Coolen, S.Behary, S.Lutchmanen, N.Ramphul, D.Tse Kai Nai
4. Union of Private Secondary Education Employees Rodrigues Subcommittee (UPSEE) Rodrigues, signed by M.Baboolall
5. Government Secondary School Teachers Union (GSSTU), signed by Y.Kisto
The declaration was sent to the following organisations:
1. Irish federation of University Teachers;
2. European Trade Union Initiative for Justice in Palestine;
3. United Nations branch in Jerusalem;
4. Education International;
5. Workers in Palestine;
6. Palestinian General Federation of Trade Union State of Palestine;
7. The Democracy & Workers’ Rights Center in Palestine;
8. General Union of Palestinian Teachers;
9. BDS
Gaza : Mauritian Teachers’ Declaration of Solidarity with the Teachers of Palestine
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