
Rodrigues : L’OPR organise une marche pacifique ce samedi

L'Organisation du Peuple de Rodrigues (OPR) organisera ce samedi une manifestation à Port-Mathurin. Le leader de l’OPR et Parliamentary Pritivate Secretary, Fancisco François a...

RELIGION : The QUR’AN – the Sacred Book of Islam, a matchless Literary Masterpiece in Arabic!

Moomtaz Emrith (Windsor, ON, Canada) The QUR’AN, as the world knows, is the sacred book of Islam. It is in the Arabic language and...

Finance Bill – The Views not voiced by the leader of the Opposition, Arvin Boolell : « Not many Devils in the...

The Omnibus legislation is before us for debate. I would like first to pay tribute to late Mr Oozeer Known as Mr Finance Bill....

En passant…

Un an déjà…                                       La vie après ta mort… Tu es ce que tu fus. Ton vécu a été parsemé de faveurs d’Allah mais aussi...

Finance and Development : THE EVOLVING IMF

by ATISH REX GHOSH, ANDREW STANLEY - Over the past 30 years the IMF has adapted to global shocks and evolving member needs The IMF has...

Campagne pour la Maison Blanche : course plus que jamais ouverte après le désistement de Biden !         

La pression étant devenue intenable, Joe Biden, 81 ans, a finalement décidé de jeter l’éponge en pleine campagne électorale et apportera, selon le communiqué...

Voices From the Heart of Medicine

Aniisah Bibi Aboo Bakar Kara Writing from an outsider’s perspective is challenging. Claiming we can “walk into someone else’s shoes” can feel pretentious. According to...

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