A beautifully illustrated history of the French in India

In 2020, Denis Piat published a book in French, entitled : “Les Français aux Indes, XVIIIe-XIXe siècles”,  a beautifully illustrated history of the French in India during those two centuries.

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In October 2021, the English version of this great book, printed by Precigraph, has been launched and is available in the bookshops.

The great merit of Denis Piat is that he not only recalls the historical French presence in India but that his book “offers a rich and fascinating iconography with its “exotic” representations of the men and landscapes of the eighteen century India” as expressed in his Preface by Prof. Philippe Haudrère, Permanent Secretary of the Paris Académie de Marine. This book of 160 pages is of great interest because it contains a collection of nearly 200 illustrations which, with the exception of five illustrations, come entirely from the author’s personal private collection about India.

I had previously published an article congratulating Denis Piat for this wonderful collection of ancient engravings, taking us back for a trip to eighteen century India with the exceptional rare documents he has been able to collect with great patience and dedication. He has recently sent to me the English version of his book now published under the title “THE FRENCH IN INDIA, 18th-19th century” displaying also some new illustrations with the following explanations :

« J’en ai profité pour inclure plusieurs améliorations historiques, comme par exemple à la page 74 où j’ai rajouté notre illustre Pierre POIVRE dont la carrière est étroitement liée à l’Ile Maurice mais aussi à Pondichéry.

Ou encore à la page 90, une vue du centre-ville de Lucknow en 1857 avec l’Entrée du palais du Nabab et la vie sur cette place devant le palais avec éléphants, chameaux, palanquin et chars à bœufs.

À la page 122, un chef d’œuvre de finesse en lithographie anglaise représentant un splendide éléphant carapaçonné, moyen de transport par excellence aux Indes au XIXe siècle.

Et, à la page 137, un très rare document de 1575… provenant d’une réédition qui décrit en vieux Français le nord de l’Inde, plus précisément l’Himalaya et le fameux fleuve sacré, le Gange. Texte rédigé par le très célèbre cartographe allemand Sebastian Munster (1488-1552).

Et bien d’autres petites améliorations par rapport à l’édition française précédente ».

A book well worth reading to understand how India has developed when the French were present during the 18th and 19th century. A book of interest to us all because it explains how the Indian presence in Mauritius has influenced Mauritian life and culture.

With this English version by a Mauritian author about a specific period of India history, our Republic will be better understood by all those who cherish an highly aesthetic book which has required great patience and great dedication.

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