AFFAIRE L’AMICALE : Me Rama Valayden envisage de solliciter la “HR Division”

Me Rama Valayden, qui milite pour une révision de la sentence infligée aux quatre personnes trouvées coupables d’avoir provoqué l’assassinat de sept personnes lors de l’incendie criminel qui avait ravagé la maison de jeux L’Amicale, a envoyé une lettre au Premier ministre hier. Dans ce courrier, il dit son intention de se prévaloir des nouvelles dispositions légales que lui permet l’adoption de la Criminal Appeal (Amendment) Act, loi votée et promulguée récemment.
« On behalf of the Amicale Four, I humbly appeal to you to advise the President of the Republic on the eventual nominations so that we can make our application as soon as possible. M. Prime Minister, Sir, once the Amicale Four make their application, the Human Rights Commission will have 30 days to carry out its preliminary investigation before taking a decision as to whether they will go ahead with an enquiry. However, for the preliminary investigation and enquiry to be carried out, not only the nominations are important, but it is imperative that the Human Rights Division be fully staffed and I again appeal to you to personally look into the matter so that the necessary staff and finance is made available. M. Prime Minister, it is now more than forteen years that these four innocent persons are behind the prison bars … », écrit Rama Valayden.

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