Do Not Disturb ! Civil Servants at work !

Fans of ping-pong but with no time to indulge in their hobby need no longer worry. For, you see, the game of ping-pong is very much present in the Mauritian civil service and parastatal bodies. This is an account of my misadventures, which I am sure many will identify with. Telephone ping-pong !
So, I call early morning on Thursday :
9 15 am : Madam is not here yet. I am told to call after 30 minutes.
9 45 am : Madam is busy in a meeting. Or, is she indulging in dhall puris and sipping a hot cup of tea ? I feel my stomach groaning.
10 15 am : I ring again. Madam is still not here.
11 30 am-1 30 pm : Lunch Time for Madam ! Is she having an elephant to gorge on ?
1 30 pm : Madam is busy on the phone. I am told to call later.
3 30 pm : I call and unsurprisingly, there is no answer. Then, an attendant picks the phone up and tells me to call the next day, since Madam has already left the office. And it’s not even 4 pm yet !
So, I call on Friday :
Again, I have to bite my tongue. Madam has taken a sick leave. Would I be kind enough to call back on Monday ? My blood is boiling !
Monday morning :
 After ringing a few times, I finally get to speak to Madam at 11 30. And lucky me ! I get an appointment at 3 30pm, the very same day ! I am also told about which documents to bring along, which I carefully note down.
3 30pm : The much anticipated meeting with Madam !
But, do not rejoice too fast ! I am told that a Rs 25 stamp is missing and my paperwork will not be processed. Madam has forgotten to mention that to me in the morning !
3 45pm : Impossible for me to get a stamp. The post office closes at 4 pm !
So, I have to come back the next morning and the nightmare goes on !

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