FUNÉRAILLES DE JANICE FARMAN : Les parents inconsolables adressent une lettre aux amis

L’unique souhait de voir le corps de leur fille incinéré sera finalement concrétisé. Dans une déchirante lettre (voir ci-dessous) adressée aux proches et amis de Janice Farman, ses parents évoquent leur souhait de l’incinération. Trois semaines après la mort de la ressortissante écossaise Janice Farman à son domicile à Albion, la famille reste inconsolable, même si la police a résolu cette affaire. La Major Crime Investigation Team (MCIT) a arrêté trois suspects, âgés entre 18 et 25 ans, qui ont avoué leur forfait. C’est un vol qui a mal tourné qui aurait entrainé la mort de Janice Farman le jeudi 6 juillet.
Les parents de l’Écossaise qui n’ont pas pu se déplacer pour des raisons de santé, ont tenu à adresser une lettre à tous les proches de leur fille, pour les remercier de leur aide. Ils y évoquent également le choc en apprenant la mort de Janice Farman via les réseaux sociaux. Espérant que leur fille reçoive les funérailles qu’elle mérite, ils lui rendent ainsi un dernier hommage…
Les funérailles auront lieu ce jeudi en toute discrétion à 14 heures au crématorium de Chebel. Une cérémonie religieuse a eu lieu à 11 h en l’église de Saint Augustin de Rivière-Noire.
“Dear Friends and Colleagues of Janice.
We would like to thank all of you for the love you have shown to our daughter Janice, during her time on your island which was cut short. Due to serious health issues we are both unable to travel to Mauritius and wish to thank all our friends there for assisting us with funeral arrangements for which we are very grateful. We are confident that you will give Janice the send off which she richly deserves. We feel humbled by the outpouring of love and support we have received from her friends. Thank you and to all those who have spoken openly and candidly about our child and putting a stop to any innuendo in the press following her murder.
To us, Janice was an outstanding daughter, a devoted mother and a fiercely loyal friend. We are sure that she will be remembered by many both in Scotland and in Mauritius for the love and care which she extended to people and abandoned and injured animals. These memories we will cherish forever. To outlive our daughter is unbearable but to lose her by being murdered is earth shattering.
It was extremely hard for us to learn of Janice’s death on Social Media. Two weeks later no Mauritian Authority has contacted us and we are depending on the British Consul in London for confirmed information. The shock and pain of all this will haunt us all our days. We try to cope by remembering all the good deeds she did throughout her life. The love she shared with so many and her jovial fun loving nature. Janice has left a huge void in our lives. We and Janice spoke several times about the fact that we wished to be cremated on our deaths and she always stated that she wished to be cremated also. Never ever did we think that she would precede us. We hope and prey that her wish to be cremated is carried out with the dignity and respect which she deserves and that, the urn containing her ashes is given to her beloved son Gavin our grandson, which we know is what she would have wanted. Once again we would like to thank everyone for their support and may the love that you have for Janice keep her alive in your hearts as it will for us.
Kind regards
Janice’s Parents”

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