HIPPISME: Rs 50 000 d’amende pour Sailesh Ramdin

L’entraîneur Sailesh Ramdin a été sanctionné de Rs 50 000 d’amende dans l’affaire Key Of Gold. Ce coursier avait été retiré du programme officiel de la journée hippique du samedi 26 novembre 2011, pour urine anormale. Après les explications de l’entraîneur incriminé, du palefrenier V.Chuckowry, du MTC Official Analyst Bertrand Baudot, du vétérinaire du MTC, Dr. Christian Bourdet et du Chief Security Officier, Nawaz Rawat, Sailesh Ramdin a plaidé coupable selon le MTC Rule 209 (s) (2) et a été sanctionné en conséquence.
De l’indomethacin, un produit anti inflammatoire non stéroide (nsaid) avait été décelé dans l’urine du cheval qui fait partie du yard de l’écurie Mahess Ramdin. Ce produit est interdit sous le MTC Rules of Racing.
Ci-dessous le communiqué en date du 22 décembre 2011.
On Thursday 24 November 2011, the MTCL Analyst reported there was an abnormality in pre-race blood samples taken from Key Of Gold which was engaged to run in the above race.
The Stewards then ordered urine samples to be taken from Key Of Gold which were obtained on Friday 25 November 2011. The analysis of these samples revealed the presence of Indomethacin, which is a non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (n.s.a.i.d), a prohibited substance under the MTC Rules of Racing.
After informing trainer S. Ramdin of the findings, the Stewards ordered the withdrawal of Key Of Gold at 8.15 am. on Saturday 26 November 2011 from the above race.  
An inquiry was held today into the Analyst’s report. Evidence was taken from trainer S. Ramdin; V. Chuckowry, groom of Key Of Gold; B. Baudot, MTC Official Analyst; Dr. C. Bourdet, MTC Official Veterinary Surgeon and N. Rawat, Chief Security Officer.
After consideration, trainer S. Ramdin pleaded guilty to contravening MTC Rule 209 (s) (2) in that he, as the trainer of horse Key Of Gold, caused the latter to be administered a substance, namely Cu-Algesic, from the Monday 14 November 2011 to the Sunday 20 November 2011, the active ingredient of which is Indomethacin, a prohibited substance under the MTC Rules of Racing and such prohibited substance was detected in a pre race sample taken from horse Key Of Gold, the name of which was published in race 5 of the ‘Programme Officiel’ of the race meeting scheduled on Saturday 26 November 2011. After consideration he was fined Rs 50,000.
Chief Stipendiary Steward
22 December 2011

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