Conditions de travail : grogne à l’Academy of Design and Innovation

Les membres du personnel enseignant de l’Academy of Design and Innovation (ADI) sont en rogne. Deux raisons expliquent cela : ces employés sont appelés à se déplacer sur leurs lieux de travail malgré un communiqué du ministère de l’Éducation indiquant que l’institution est fermée pour cause de grosses pluies ; et ils sont sollicités à utiliser des équipements informatiques à domicile durant l’avertissement de classe III. Face à cette situation, le Statutory Bodies Employees Union, qui représente les intérêts du personnel enseignant, a décidé de réclamer l’intervention de la vice-Première ministre et ministre de l’Éducation, Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun.

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« The union has received complaints to the effect that teaching staff of the ADI are compelled to attend work during heavy rainfall even though there is a communiqué from the Ministry of Education informing that there will be no classes in all education institutions, including higher education institutions. The SBEU enquired with the management of ADI on this issue, and we received the following reply on 12.02.2024. Please note that the ADI has been informed that other HEIs require both their teaching and non-teaching staff to be present during heavy rainfall as the institutes have other activities to carry out over and above teaching. After another query from the union, we received the following reply on February 13, 2024 », écrit le secrétaire général du Statutory Bodies Employees Union. Kishore Bhugwan poursuit : « ADI also deems it unfair that only a section of its staff need to be present to face the risk of heavy rainfalls, and I believe the rule should apply to all (administrative staff included). The union would like to be informed whether the communiqué issued by the Ministry of Education’s heavy rain protocol applies to the staff of the ADI, which is a higher education institution. The SBEU does not wish that there is Mort d’homme among the teaching staff of ADI during the next heavy rain ».

Le syndicat a également fait état de cette situation auprès du ministère du Développement industriel quant à ce modus operandi en alerte cyclonique III. Dans une lettre adressée à la ministre du Développement industriel, Naveena Ramyad, il est écrit que le matériel informatique de l’ADI coûte dans les Rs 300 000 et que le Teaching Staff ne peut être tenu pour responsable si celui-ci est endommagé.

« The union has received complaints to the effect that teaching staff of the ADI are compelled to work from home during cyclone class 3. They have to use the laptop given to them by ADI. We know very well that during cyclone class 3, very often there is an electricity cut, and sometimes there are risks of sudden high voltage. The staff concerned is enquiring what will happen if the laptop gets damaged due to an irregular supply of electricity. These laptops cost around Rs 300,000, and the staff will have to reimburse for these laptops. The union would be very grateful to you if your ministry would inquire on this issue and give any instructions, if any, to the management of the ADI so that during cyclone class 3, the staff concerned are not compelled to use their laptop », conclut Kishore Bhugwan.

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l'édition du jour

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