Rose-Belle : une unité de transplantation rénale en opération bientôt à l’hôpital Nehru

Une unité de transplantation rénale sera bientôt construite à l’hôpital Jawarharlall Nehru, à Rose-Belle. Le projet a été conceptualisé par HSCC (India) Ltd (Hospital Services Consultancy Corporation), un organisme parapublic du gouvernement indien. Le projet vise surtout à alléger la charge pesant sur les autres hôpitaux d’établissements rénaux existants, ainsi qu’à améliorer la qualité globale des services de santé dans la région.

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« The proposed project is the construction of a renal transplant unit at the existing Jawarharlall Nehru Hospital. It aims at alleviating the load on other existing Renal facility Hospitals, as well as enhancing overall quality of health care services in the region. (…) M/s Varindera Constructions Ltd has been awarded the contract which is scheduled to be completed within a time frame of 18 months.The site identified forms part on the compound of the existing J.Nehru hospital. An extent of 12 500 m2 has been earmarked for the implementation of this facility. The hospital comprises of rectangular block in the configuration of basement, ground + 3, which shall house all the major services required for a hospital of that nature. There shall be 113 beds allocated on different floors of the building based on the critically and severity of the case », peut-on lire dans un document officiel à propos du projet.
Le ministère de la Santé, promoteur du projet, justifie la mise sur pied de cette unité par le fait que le nombre de transplantations dans le pays est en hausse.

« Kidney transplantation is often the preferred treatment for those with end-stage renal disease. The discipline of kidney transplantation has grown tremendously over the past 50 years. Patients with endstage renal disease have better long-term survival if they undergo kidney transplantation than those who stay on dialysis. In Mauritius, as at end of 2022, around 1476 was on dialysis in Mauritius, with 370 persons died from renal failure from 2017 to 2022 as illustrated in figure below. The number of renal transplants done locally during the last 6 years in 8 with 49 transplants referred abroad as per the latest health statistics report of Mauritius. »

« The implementation will allow people that need to undergo renal transplant to be done locally. This will be a relief for lot of low-income families which usually have to look for financial support when going overseas for treatment. The possibility of having the treatment done locally would allow families to be free of flight, accommodation and daily expenses cost when going for treatment abroad.
Consequently, the additional of a renal transplant unit at J. Nehru would be bring an increased flexibility and convenience to the south region and the country in general », indique encore le document.

Une centaine de travailleurs (contremaîtres, maçons, charpentiers, cintreurs, carreleurs, opérateurs de machines, etc.) seront nécessaires pour la construction de cette unité de transplantation rénale. Par ailleurs, pour les opérations quotidiennes, 200 personnes seront employées, dont le personnel administratif, des infirmières, des médecins, des techniciens et des agents de sécurité. Le coût du projet est de l’ordre de Rs 600 millions.

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