Aéroport : Shalinee Dindyal saisit la Cour contre Airmate Ltd

La General Workers Federation (GWF), soutenant Shalinee Dindyal d’Airmate Ltd a décidé de saisir la Cour industrielle pour réclamer des dommages. Cette ex-Customer Service Agent du Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport  réclame ainsi des dommages de plus de Rs 1million pour Constructive Dismissal‘.

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« This legal action is the first one  to claim severance allowance at punitive rate of Rs 1 354 068.00 for ill-treatment at work leading to the constructive dismissal of Shalinee Dindyal. Other prosecutions for moral and health damages and prejudices are also being contemplated by Shalinee Dindyal in the future. The GWF is also expecting the decision of the Ministry of Labour and Employment to which a case of violence at work, has been duly reported under Section 114 of the Employment Relations Act. (…)The GWF is expecting an official progress report from the Ministry of Labour on this serious charge made by Shalinee Dindyal”,    écrit Ashok Subron  de la GWF dans un communiqué.

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