Fighting the darkness

The glitter surrounding our world

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Has thinned out extensively

To such an extent

That darkness has not only infiltrated

Through our borders, but,

Has completely invaded our essence!

The rampage upon our confused hearts

Has already started

And the darkness has made it such that

Evil no longer cares to wear its mask

While facing us

Letting its shrewdness, rather,

Traumatize us to have doing

Nothing else other than staring at the void

That sprawls itself in front of our gazes,

Lost, in a catatonic state, drowning

In the shock which we keep trying to absorb!

Amidst this dark night,

I hold my light as I would an umbrella,

Shielding those who need its warmth

From the cold wintery winds that chill

Our souls to blind our connection from

That from which we have spawned

Ready to have us believe that

We are like the darkness itself!

Faith is all we need to fight evil;

Strong, stoic, unflinching and blind,

Both in ourselves and in our higher purpose!

But along with it,

We also need trust in the good that

Inhabits us,

As if we all switch on our lights

And face the evil as a calm and warm ocean,

The darkness would have no choice

Other than flee to the murkiest corners

Of non-existence, never to be seen again!

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l'édition du jour

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