Par l’entremise d’un chant qui donne le la, Naomi Randabel (17 ans) s’élève contre l’impératif constitutionnel pour tout citoyen de préciser formellement son appartenance communautaire en vue de poser sa candidature aux élections générales de la République de Maurice. Dans le cadre des célébrations de la fête nationale du 12 mars, cette correspondante du Mauricien met en exergue qu’une évolution des mentalités serait volontiers la bienvenue. [FORUM]

- Publicité -


Je suis hindou, blanc, musulman, chinois, créole et pourtant,

Mo manz farata, briyani, minn bwi, kari

Alors dites-moi, pourquoi ?

Mo bizin deklinn mo kominote,

Protez mo bann lintere

Reprezant selman se ki kouma mwa

Sa zafer-la… mari gopia !

Kase ranze, nou tou Morisien

Kari melanz, nou tou Morisien


Rouz kouler nou disan 

Nou tou trouv ble losean 

Ki fer zot kontign kree bann klan ?

Allez souriez, soley zonn pe briye 

Ver nou fitir nou pa diferan 

Ansam les nou kree enn lelan 

Pou lavenir nou bann zanfan

Cette loi est dépassée

La graine communale a poussé

Aster bizin aras move-zerb

Ansam bizin aras move-zerb

Politisien ar

Bon valer, bon lide, bon latitid : sa zot pa le !

Zot zis get kominote !


Zenes Morisien, anou leve !

Anou sanz, mantalite !

Pou ki nw’avans pli divan

Mo rev enn pei diferan !

Un extrait de la Constitution

« 31. Parliament of Mauritius

(1) There shall be a Parliament for Mauritius, which shall consist of the President and a National Assembly.

(2) The Assembly shall consist of persons elected in accordance with the First Schedule, which makes provision for the election of 70 members.

First Schedule (Section 31(2))3. Communities

(1) Every candidate for election at any general election of members of the Assembly shall declare in such manner as may be prescribed which community he belongs to and that community shall be stated in a published notice of his nomination.

(2) Within 7 days of the nomination of any candidate at an election, an application may be made by an elector in such manner as may be prescribed to the Supreme Court to resolve any question as to the correctness of the declaration relating to his community made by that candidate in connection with his nomination, in which case the application shall (unless withdrawn) be heard and determined by a Judge of the Supreme Court, in such manner as may be prescribed, within 14 days of the nomination, and the determination of the Judge shall not be subject to appeal.

(3) For the purposes of this Schedule, each candidate at an election shall be regarded as belonging to the community to which he declared he belonged at his nomination (…)

(4) For the purposes of this Schedule, the population of Mauritius shall be regarded as including a Hindu community, a Muslim community and a Sino-Mauritian community; and every person who doesnot appear, from his way of life, to belong to one or other of those 3 communities shall be regarded as belonging to the General Population, which shall itself be regarded as a fourth community. »

- Publicité -

l'édition du jour