MARCH 12 | Independence Day : Just You

As the birds chirp,
you also demystify
your own melody –
A perfect score,
5 out of 5,
A new dimension,
You are 55.

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Underneath the orange, yellow
and pinkish dawn, you hide
the grey coats of chains,
the sighs of saffron;
Then, you summer smile the sun-gold.
You blue breathe boldness of breaking
bitter bonds;
You feather fly the freedom,
the leap of liberty on the lawn-green.

You are Yourself today,
Just You,
Nobody else,
Nothing else,

Happy Independence Day, Beloved Island!

Vatsala Radhakeesoon


 Vatsala Radhakeesoon has been writing poems for 30 years and she is the author of numerous poetry books. She is also an abstract artist and likes to experiment various possibilities that bless Art.
Vatsala is a literary translator and currently lives at Rose-Hill, Mauritius.


Poet’s blog link related to her books:

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