OBITUARY – Myriam Parkar, wonderful traits


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Wednesday 9 September, 10 a.m., Notre Dame de Lasalette Church was overpacked with many mourners standing in the porch to pay their last respects to Myriam Parkar, wife of Ali Parkar, mother of Feizal, Ahmed and Selima, mother-in-law of Dirk, Angela and Kathereend and grandma of 2 grandsons and 7 granddaughters. The funeral service was read by Reverend Goupille and the main eulogy was by Ahmed.

Myriam was born to Lita and Hosany in the Seychelles; she met, fell in love with and married Ali, native of Cokan, India, and followed her nomadic investor husband to Tanzania, England and Mauritius.

The Parkars are a gregarious lot. All the children live side by side along the beach in Grand Bay; the proximity gives the old folks the joy of the company of the grandchildren. Myriam always had at least one grandchild in her large house. She was an adorable mother and was always greeted by the children before their departure to and on their return from the office.

Myriam combined some wonderful traits: she was compassionate, soft spoken, always finding the right word for difficult situations as well as a terrific entertainer. The last quality made her the most eligible wife Ali could have had, because she had to take care under her roof, over meals or cocktails, of the top brass of the business community. She mastered the art of laying tables, seating her guests and choosing the menu.

Myriam was at ease in any company. As the guest of honor with her husband at Alif Society’s functions, she would graciously mix with the guests and would offer Alif’s token present to the honoree with generosity. As chief guest, she won over the hearts of the staff and the pupils of The Vale Government School during the flag raising ceremony for Independence Day Anniversary.

The health of Myriam had started deteriorating two years ago. She underwent surgery in England where she had to stay 2 months convalescing. On her return, she had some complications and was admitted to a clinic in Mauritius. The family was prepared for the worst this time. She stayed for weeks on artificial respiration. She struggled hard for 7 weeks but the Lord decided that she should be by His side. It is probably a merciful release for her. May God rest her soul and give to her family the courage to bear this loss.

She will be missed and remembered in a very good light.

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