Our duty


The day I was born,

- Publicité -

The elders looked at me

And said, amongst themselves,

That they have to try their best

To keep me happy

Even if they had never known

The meaning of happiness themselves!

When I was yet a child,

I believed in life being all about roses

And butterflies flying around in evergreen gardens

Painted with joy, laughter, and unicorns

Playing on sparkling rainbows!

As I grew up,

I heard of people living in below human conditions

Of modern slavery,

Of human exploitation,

Of organs trafficking

Of death through lack of food

And started to wonder

About why,

The elders had made it such

That I always wore a smile on my face?

Had they loved me so much

As to have wanted to rescue me

From the doom and the gloom

That inhabited themselves

While they were still alive?

Were they scared by the ways of this world

To such an extent

That they had wanted to shield me

From these, wanting to have me

Believe in those fairy tales which they read

To me before bidding me a good night’s sleep?

To think that this world is made of duality

To an extreme level

Is quite heart breaking

To watch of humans

Living like animals, unable to enjoy of life

In its simple basic comfort

Without having access to water, shelter,

Food, clothing and security is quite an issue

Urgent enough to wonder

As to why the powers who created everything

Made it that it be such!

Pray, it remains in our blessed hands

To give of what we can

Regardless of creed and faith

To help humans of unlucky births

Out of the marshlands in which they are treading!

It remains our duty,

Towards the powerful confusion that rules us all

And towards which we shall fly

The day we shall leave our mortal bodies

Through ways still more baffling

For our limited consciousness to understand!

- Publicité -

l'édition du jour