Among the spiritual treasures which God Almighty (Allah) vouchsafes to mankind are the prophets, His representatives on earth (peace be upon them all). Each one of those highly blessed men achieves excellence in matters of faith. Each is tried in a unique way which distinguishes him from the rest of prophets and mankind.
Among those prophets there is Ibrahim, the Friend of Allah. He is known to be the Patriarch of not one, but three great monotheistic religions of the world: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. We even find traces of his teachings and belief in his existence in the Hindu teachings as well.
And this exceptional man, Allah tried him in so many ways that it is reasonably fair for us to say that he survived all those trials with flying colours and showed forbearance at an exceptional and praiseworthy level.
He spread the divine message as he was ordained to like the rest of the prophets, and he showed in many ways his pure love for His Creator. When the tests of faith came one after the other, he never traded faith for unfaith, the divine blessings for worldly honours. He was even prepared to sacrifice his only son Isma’il whom he begot at a very advanced age, when men despair of ever having an heir to continue his lineage and heritage. That exceptional man gave everything up just to get the love, approval and pleasure of His Creator. That is why God Almighty took him as His intimate Friend and blessed him in such a way that it is a sign of wonder and hope today that such a man, Allah blessed him so much that in return for his sacrifice, Allah gave him another son, Ishaq (Issac). All Praise be to Allah!
And what is more amazing is that with the sacrifice of Ibrahim came also the sacrifice of Isma’il, his firstborn child. Allah reminiscences this in the Holy Quran (Chapter As-Swaffat) by revealing the plea of Ibrahim to Allah and the subsequent fulfilment of his prayers: “My Lord! Bless me with righteous offspring.” So We gave him good news of a forbearing son. Then when the boy reached the age to work with him, Abraham said, “O my dear son! I have seen in a dream that I (must) sacrifice you. So tell me what you think.” He replied, “O my dear father! Do as you are commanded. Allah willing, you will find me steadfast.”
Here it is worthy to note that Isma’il was a wish and prayer which came true. His name means “Heard of God”. He was the Blessing of Allah to Ibrahim and his second wife Hajra (May Allah be pleased with her). And this Blessing was meant for a mighty purpose. He was the chosen sacrifice of Allah, and Allah accepted his forbearance and the sacrifice of his life which he gave up to Allah with a glad and submissive heart. From this sacrifice, there arose a new era. Isma’il became the focal point of the Faith of Allah, which is today known as “Islam” with the advent of the Seal of all prophets, Muhammad (peace be upon him). Allah blessed him so much that his name will ever be etched in the hearts of the Sincere Muslim believers up till the Day of Judgement. Allah gave him the grand honour of reconstructing the First House for Mankind, the Holy Ka’aba for the Exclusive Worship of the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, i.e. Allah. He was known to be a great prophet of his time with great spiritual and physical traits. He was courageous, patient and had great love for the Lord as was evident from his early childhood and prime adolescence. His adult life was also devoted to Allah and preaching His message and he loved Allah and was loved in return.
In the history of this world as well as Islam, he is known as the Sacrifice of Allah. Today the rites of Hajj are based on his sacrifices as well as those of his blessed parents. Today, we are blessed to be Muslims because of the greatness of his heart and faith. He is the Chosen One of Allah whom Allah purified for all eternity. How fortunate is Ibrahim to have begotten such a magnificent son, who was ever obedient to his Creator and merciful to his parents. How great is that prophet of Allah whom Allah purified so much that He chose him to be the father of Islam, sharing in this blessing with his father Ibrahim and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them all). The progeny of Abraham – especially through Isma’il and Issac – produced many pious souls who became prophets. May Allah always be pleased with them and keep pouring down His mercy and love upon them all, and may He bless all Muslims and Mankind to render thanks to Him for the gift of True Faith and Belief in His Existence and to remain attached to Him and never leave the pious teachings which guarantee for us eternal life. Insha-Allah, Ameen.
I wish to all my Muslim brothers, sisters and children: Eid-ul-Adha Mubarak! May we show exceptional forbearance in the trials of life and never despair of the love and mercy of Allah. Let us emulate those great souls who left an undeniable blessed imprint into the crust of this world. Let us march like they marched, with submission, piety, courage and trust in the Lord Most High. Insha-Allah, Ameen.
Your brother in Islam,
Hazrat Imam Muhy-ud-Din Munir A. Azim
Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam