Friday afternoon, lots of people marched from Khadafi Square to the Municipality of Port-Louis, in support for the people in Palestine.
The sheer size of the crowd bears testimony to the fact that we may be a small country but we are still able to make our voices heard. It was encouraging to see that Mauritians came out in force, young, not so young, elderly, children as well as a courageous young man in a wheelchair. The fact that crowds can be gathered when the cause calls for it should not be underestimated. Detractors of the virtual social media crowd should maybe start thinking twice before emitting the opinion that numbers can only be gathered by ‘likes’.
Over and above numbers, the snippets of conversations heard during the march make for interesting observations. These kinds of gatherings make people think specifically about issues. The sharing of opinions makes for fruitful conversations and debates. Hearing a teenager asking his father about how he would feel had he been the one who was killed, makes one realise that hope is definitely not lost on the younger generation. They are able to think and reflect, given the right tools. Others reflecting on the fact that while we are marching peacefully, people in Gaza might be living their final moments, brings the realisation of our own good fortune. Hearing some say that they would be ready to kill had someone killed their kin also brings the realisation that a peaceful person may take up arms in the tick of a minute.
We are fortunate to be living in a country where we are able to voice our opinions loudly and clearly. We should thank the stars that we are able to go home and feel safe; that we are not going to be forced out of our homes and lose members of our family, without any fault of ours. While there are certain things that could have been avoided in this march, we, the thousands who came out in force today join the millions around the world and all those who are in prayer and thoughts with the people of Palestine, to pray that their pain and suffering are alleviated, that the peaceful people in Israel become more vociferous about their wish for peace, that all those who have lost their lives since 1948 be in a better place, that their families are able to make peace with their losses and find resilience to continue to live.
The Support March
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