The Most Beautiful of Sunsets!

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Hanley R.Raddhoa



Here I am, sitting on the beach under the filao tree, my toes buried in the sand, hearing the susurration of the waves, admiring the sun slowly going behind the horizon carrying with it enticing colours that always remind me of the scenes of aquarelle artists I saw as a kid, who would rush to paint the last ray of light, with the hopes of capturing it for eternity. They would say that no two sunsets are the same for the colours are always changing. I could only close my eyes and feel the warmth of the last rays left on my eyelids for the cold of night would soon hit.

As I opened my eyes, I realised that I had been in fact sitting at my desk in the office this whole time, daydreaming about that sunset. A powerful vision, or perhaps a vivid childhood memory that had set in, an indication that sleep deprivation does have its mysteries sometimes.

Growing up, I would hear the elders talk about how their bosses back in the day would say rather fondly « The sun never sets on the British Empire! »

A powerful phrase that was meant to remind us of the vastness of its territory and the supremacy it held back in the day. But as the nations it consisted of slowly gained their independence, some through hard-fought battles whilst for others it was handed to them as they had become a burden to the crown, after years of exploitation of their people and resources. All this meaning that the sun did eventually set on the British empire.

In the wake of our 56th Independence Day and 32nd Republic Day, we are about to witness another sunset and I guarantee you that it will be the most beautiful you have ever seen! Better than all the fireworks they will put on to impress you!

Gather around folks for this is the moment we have all been waiting for! Your liberation is close and their empire that was built on lies, deceit and thievery is crumbling like a house of cards! The end is nigh for them and with your help we shall put the final nail in their coffin!

They have kept us divided through race, religion, fairy tale made-up castes to better rule us, just like the Roman Empire and later the British Empire did. They have robbed you of your PEACE, for you can’t sleep at night fearing your house will be burgled; they robbed you of your JUSTICE, for there is a system for them and another one for you; they have robbed you of your LIBERTY, for now they want to force you to give out all your personal details so they can rob you of another election!

They think you are easily conned and manipulated and that is why they think it’s child’s play to run a country! Haven’t you had enough of their Ken dolls playing with toy planes? A wannabe king playing choo-choo with toy trains? Expensive gifts I might add!

I dare say it takes expert knowledge to run a country, but even more cunning and ruse to ruin one!

Gather around folks and let us stand together, AS ONE PEOPLE AS ONE NATION, for it is the only way we can vanquish this tyranny.

Many before me have spoken similar words, for they were also perhaps daydreaming or simply they dared dreaming, but the key word+ here is they DARED and so should you! Dare to raise your voice and make it be heard on that day in your voting booth, when this very pen in your hand will be the one with which you will rewrite the destiny of this country!

And if we succeed in this mission, this will be the sunset to remember, and for generations to come, we shall all be talking about the day we drove the scourge out!

We will all look back, with starry eyes and tell our kids and grandkids that we did it for them and this was indeed the most beautiful of sunsets!

Hanley R. Raddhoa

General Secretary

En Avant Moris

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