Increasing Performance and Happiness @ Work by knowing Thyself

Personality and Happiness at Work

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A happy employee is a vital asset that contributes to the success of a company. Then, in what ways can happiness at work be maintained and enhanced? This is possible by allocating the right job position to the right person. Dreadful jobs do not exist if the most appropriate person is assigned to the task. Furthermore, the work place is no stranger to the challenges of dealing with different personality types. Hence, this brings about the importance of measuring personality for a better job fit. Apart from being helpful in the hiring process, it also helps develop an agile and dynamic workforce and recognize leadership potential to deliver success and happiness in the workplace.

The Importance of Measuring Personality

While there are conflicting interpretations to the term ‘Personality’, the most appropriate way to comprehend it, is by considering the psychological processes behind the person’s characteristics. Basically, personality can be defined as the combination of thought patterns, emotions and behaviors that influence and form a person’s character. Consequently, both nature and nurture contribute to building varying human personalities. The most common method of measuring personality is self-reporting survey such as the Personal Style Inventory based on Carl Jung’s well-known personality theory or Saville Assessment personality questionnaire recognized as the “best-in-class predictor of workplace performance and potential”. Creating a happier workplace starts by matching the right people to the right job.

Increasing Happiness at Work by Knowing Ourselves and Others

Self-understanding is important to maintain harmonious social relationships. Because without knowing ourselves, no matter how much of effort we put into our job, it will not enable us to reach our full potential – or improve our relationships with peers, coworkers, and managers. Blind to our own behavioral patterns, we will continue to trip over ourselves in the same old ways. Having a better understanding of oneself and others can largely improve one’s level of happiness. Consequently, when healthy relationships prevail in the workplace among team members, happiness follows.

People who are in jobs congruent with their personality are more satisfied and have lower turnover. Hence, to achieve a happy workplace, it is of utmost importance to match the personality type with the occupation. In addition to matching the individual’s personality to the job, managers should also make sure that the employee’s personality fit with the organizational culture to avoid conflicts at work among colleagues. In other words, a better organization/job/person fit is an important factor to consider, in order to enhance happiness at work.

Build a happier workplace by knowing your employees

Looking to expand your business and retain the right person? Knowing your employee’s personality type and helping your employee knowing himself/herself will contribute to offering the latter a job and work environment in which happiness prevails. A happy employee flourishes in the workplace and gives the best performance adding eventually to the success of the company.


Source: CAPFOR



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From Vision to Results through a Happier Workplace



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