
The troubling legacy of the gambling experiment

FILTERED BY DR ZOOM Alex Macey estimates he threw away £250,000. Some of this went on sports betting, but the great majority was lost on...

D’un grain de sable, des étoiles et de la vérité.

GILLIAN GENEVIEVE RUBEN SANDAPEN Je n’ai pas attendu l’aube pour me remettre à ta recherche. La nuit aussi est porteuse de vérité. J’ai pris mon sac, une...

Why Mauritius needs to embrace an alternative economic model

KUGAN PARAPEN Economist Member of Rezistans ek Alternativ One British Pound was worth Rs. 13.30 on the 17th July 1979. Exactly forty years later, on the 17th...

20th JULY 1969 – MAN ON THE MOON 50 YEARS AGO : Lunar Ascent: a remembrance thou shall not forget

NIRMAL BETCHOO Celebrating the Golden Jubilee of man walking on the moon is a treasured event that fills humanity with passion beyond bounds. Neil Armstrong,...

1969 | WAPAKONETA, THE HOME OF NEIL ARMSTRONG : Time flies. Yes, it does.

To me it seems like a few months ago. I was in Ohio, in the US state known for “round in the end, high...

Le mausolée d’Humayun

ALAIN JEANNOT Au début des années 90, lors d’une excursion culturelle à Delhi, j’eus l’occasion de visiter la tombe de Humayun. Je lisais, à cette...

Campaign Clean-Up Mauritius: Enough Is NOT Enough!

IVANN BIBI The Mauritian Government recently undertook a countrywide effort to clean up Mauritius. A good intentioned campaign, that unfortunately falls dramatically short of what...

High Time for Mauritian Firms to Embrace ‘Going Global’

The Mauritian economic miracle of the 1980s it is said was partly and initially fuelled by international firms’ Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into Mauritius,...

TEACHERS : The Nation’s Unsung Heroes

‘Teacher and God both are here, to whom should I first bow? All glory to the teacher, path to God he does show.’ Education is increasingly...

Je ne suis plus là…

SANDRINE RUSSIE BEAUHARNAIS Aujourd'hui en ouvrant les yeux, j'ai décidé d'être heureuse… Je me suis réveillée tôt, je suis partie dans la cuisine pour prendre mon petit-déjeuner. Mais personne n'y...

les plus lus