
GOING BEYOND”*/LE DÉPASSEMENT | Après 50 ans – Pourquoi l’Éducation Artistique ? Les Arts et la Réflexion Métaphorique

Docteur SHEILANA RAMDOO La pensée métaphorique/analogique est centrale dans l’éducation des Arts (musique, danse, peinture, théâtre). L’utilisation des Arts dans l’éducation est une méthode pédagogique...

AT INDIVIDUAL, SOCIETAL AND NATIONAL LEVELS : “What real purpose will the coming general elections serve?”

RAJ RAMLUGUN Dare ask the right questions about the individuals begging for your votes at this critical juncture. What makes them CREDIBLE and are the...

Quand j’étais sur la route…

POËMA ZÉPHIR Georges avait 56 ans. Georges était un amoureux de l’île Maurice. Georges adorait faire du vélo. Georges ne vivait que pour sillonner les...

Démocratie mauricienne : Élections libres et équitables?

PARVEZ DOOKHY Docteur en DROIT Ralliement Citoyen pour la Patrie Nous sommes en campagne électorale pour les Législatives et des observateurs internationaux sont à Maurice pour suivre...

Re-engineering the political campaign: go for the win, intelligently

ZAHEER ALLAM On answering the door, wearing matching colours, a group of three people stand smiling. For a vote, they promise to do things differently;...

A Call to See Beyond Inherent Pettiness…

GUY FAWKE The roads are awash with wannabe leaders, pseudo leaders, genuine leaders trying to convince us that they are the ones who should be...

A Glimpse of Chinese Cinema

The Embassy of China is presenting since last week a film festival of Chinese movies in a few local theatres in Mauritius. This interesting...


Mere mortals in gilded garbs, in trappings of power being wrapped, for sure all the panoply pertain. It is not vestments per se, as symbols in flesh that hold sway but dreams godly, and regal...


FILTERED BY DR ZOOM It is called the Mara Phone, manufactured by Mara Phones Rwanda. This is by no means the last episode in...

How Navin Narrowly Avoided Defeat in 2010

After bagging a historic victory in July 2005 – the first time one of the three big parties beat an alliance of the other...

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