

Dr. Harry Sangeet Jooseery, Consultant on Gender, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Communication INTRODUCTION The COVID-19 is today a global pandemic, creating havoc in all corners of the...

No Logo: Sign of the Times

When thinker activist Naomi Klein broke through in 1999, her book "No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies*" gathered a wide following of...

Health and the Covid-19 – a suggestion

Mauritius has faced several major health concerns since its early period of colonization. All who came or were brought here, a previously uninhabited place,...

PENSER L’APRÈS COVID-19 : L’économie tributaire de l’environnement

La crise économique et sociale provoquée par le Covid-19 a mis en lumière comme jamais ce lien de dépendance de l’économie sur l’environnement. Qui...

Taking a Helicopter View

JEAN YVES CHAVRIMOOTOO Militan politik ek sindikal S’évertuer à proposer une analyse économique et un plan de relance, de reconstruction comme l’appellent certains, de ce qui...

Is Pravind Jugnauth up to the task?

DR. IBRAHIM ALLADIN In an article entitled, “Curfew – For the Good of the People. Desperate Time Calls for Desperate Measures” published in the Forum...

Confinement Confidences

I sit down with the three munchkins at the breakfast table, planner at hand, ready to work out the computer timetable for the day....

Going, gone

The shop shelves have given the way to selves that have come in flesh and the meats have gone. The tissues came in bulk but there is an issue as instantly...

The Covid-19 Pandemic and Leadership

Rajendra Patil Hunma Introduction Leadership experts like Warren Bennis refer to major crises as “crucibles of leadership” – situations that makes it possible for great leadership...

Message d’un confiné

On a tous une personne qui nous manque énormément Une personne qu'on a envie d'embrasser tendrement Mais on ne peut l'avoir à portée de main maintenant À...

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